Still in the early stages of paperwork. I'm guessing the paperwork thing will be going on for several months....
"Why" you ask?
Because a lot of our paperwork is dependent on government agencies getting back to us. For example, right now we're waiting for the State to send us back a letter that states that we don't have a criminal record. Apparently, this takes a month.
In the mean time, let me tell you what I've learned about Chinese. For those of you who don't know, Chinese is a TONAL language. This means that pitch, inflection and HOW you say a word is just as important as WHAT you say.
For example: "Ma" could mean "mother". But if you raise or lower your pitch incorrectly, "Ma" can also mean "horse" or "punish".
Oh great. We meet Melia and tell her "This is your horse" or worse yet, "This is your punishment". I'm sure she'll love that introduction!