Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My little author, illustrator

Tonight Hallie came home from school ready to talk and share about her day (I love days like this). She told me that when she grows up she wants to be a person who draws pictures for books. She went on to add that she wants to write books and draw the pictures! An avid reader, with a creative mind and love for drawing, I think the job description fits her perfectly! It was so fun to hear her excitement. She told me I could help her with an idea and then she would write the story. She went on to tell me all about a hot air balloon ride and a swimming pool race, themes for her first book. She wanted to start on it right when we got home!

Later tonight, as we read stories before bed, she told me she wanted to read to me. Guess what? My brillant Kindergartener nearly read the whole book, "Mean Jean the Recess Queen" to me. What a delight to see her smile after working hard to sound out words and read some without hardly any effort at all. I am so thankful for the kind of interests and intellect the Lord has blessed my daughter with.


Dan and Alicia Marlowe said...

Very cool! Sounds like she has a love for reading already. Better get that library card out!

Carey and Norman said...

Very sweet. A high school friend recently wrote a book with her mother about in-vitro conception (children's book...similar to some of our children's adoption books...for her brother's child). So, I'd love to see Hallie write some wonderful children's novels that our grandchildren can read.