Sunday, June 8, 2008


Here is something I've been working on this past month. It is a 12 minute video that attempts to capture some of the more emotional parts of our second trip. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Thank you. It was wonderful to hear your anticipation, see your first moments with Zac and to relive our first moments with him. Your video captures an absolutely beautiful memory of our grandson coming home. Love, Nannie

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

Very Cool! Especially love the parting shots where you are all leaving the airport holding hands... you have a beautiful family!

Sher said...

Thanks for sharing. I love happy endings!! Now I have to go and get a kleenex.

Unknown said...

What an amazing, AMAZING video. I needed several kleenexes, but savored every minute. Thanks for sharing this with all of us - wow.
One of my favorite shots was when you were playing with the building blocks together, the speed was fast, and Zac was getting kisses every other second. I could just tell it was impossible NOT to kiss him to pieces!
I loved it, and am so happy he's home & a part of his God given family now.
Much love to all,
Lisa & family

Anonymous said...

Oh I needed more than a few kleenex to get through this one! Thanks so much for sharing your special moments! We had such a great time last week with you all....makes me want to come back tomorrow! Love you all!


Mandy said...

Thank you so much for sharing your special coming home moments! Makes me want to get out and watch our videos of our own homecoming with our daughter from China!

G and G said...

This is one of the most beautiful, precious remembrances I have ever seen. It made me cry, but it will be a forever memory for Zac to have. He is in a home of love and faith and he will always be able to see the impact he has already had on our lives. I am sincerely blessed to have such amazing grandbabies!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful video - we have just started this process and wonder if we have the strength for the long wait - but your video showed that its not just about us - there is a little girl out there waiting for us - thanks you and congrats to your family. Now I have to go to the store and buy tissues. Trayce - San Antonio

Carrie said...

That was wonderful!! And including the Steven Curtis Chapman song did you just want me to have a break down?!?!

kate said...

Precious. I think the sweetest moment was when big sis was making sure her signs were just right to welcome home her new brother.

JennyM said...

Thanks so much for sharing. It gives me hope that we will be able to make a video similar to yours when we get to bring our girls home (the wait will be close to 9 months from referral to court trip).

So glad you are home and happy as a family of 5!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful video!!! I honestly put off watching it for a few days because I was afraid it would make me cry...quite the opposite - it made me cheer!!! YAY! Zac is HOME!!!! (and I LOVE the footage of your daughter jumping up and down with anticipation when she sees the plane - sweet)

Russian Adoption Chronicles said...

What a wonderful video! This brought back so many memories. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I love this - and I love you all!

Janine said...

beautiful video. It was hard to make it through without tears of happiness. Thanks for sharing these beautiful memories with all of us.

Carey and Norman said...

Great video. I got teary eyed watching it as it brought back so many emotions. Thank you for sharing it with us!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful video....brought back so many wonderful memories of our second trip and bringing our daughter home (May 07). Also, brought some tears...isn't God just amazing the way He gives us the perfect child(ren) for our familiYou have a beautiful family...thanks for sharing.
Mary Crow
(mommy to Kenzie from Prokopyevsk, Russia) and 2 grown bio. sons and "Nonna" to 3 amazing grandchildren

A Room to Grow said...

gosh, i get more emotional watching videos done by others than my own! loved it so much! thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

This video was wonderful! Thank you for sharing these moments! You should consider adding a "Kleenex Warning". I had to use my shirt sleeve!! :)

Jessica Walters

Anonymous said...

Absolutely wonderful! Kleenix time here too;-)

God bless you all as you begin your lives together as a family! You are all so very blessed!
