Saturday, September 8, 2007

Save Darfur

As we wait, I want to focus on some more "Voiceless" people out there.

I just got done Reading A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah. It opened my narrow eyes as to a problem that I've never really even paid much attention to in the past. There is a huge problem scattered throughout Africa. It seems that starvation and desparation mixed with bad politics and drugs have caused many millions of Africans to rise up against each other and wage wars that have no resolution. The result is mayhem and death.

I've added a link to a movement known as Save Darfur.

As I've said before, I'm only one small voice, but I'll do what I can. We need to get the word out. The site will direct you as to how you can get involved. You can donate money, buy shirts and arm bands (procedes go to the cause) or even send a petition to President Bush and UN Secretary General Ki-Moon Ban.


Sher said...

definitely a tragic situation that begs the questions what can/should we as Christians be doing to help? thanks for drawing attention to it.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with your blog, but this is the week!