Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Some good news

We got rumors that a 3rd couple from our agency got their letter today! This is increasing our hope and excitement. It seems like the beginning of the week is filled with anticipation and excitement.

Unfortunately, we've also discovered that the end of the week (Friday) comes with a pretty depressing let down that says, "No call this week. Try again later".

I'm really hoping that I don't have another let down.

(Which means we need to get the call tomorrow.... or maybe Thursday)


yorkiemom said...

Hope you get your call soon.

Anonymous said...

I keep thinking this will be the week. But if not, you are just one more week closer. All in God's time. (but please make it soon) :-)

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

YEA!! We really hope it's soon too. I remember that feeling of hope every single Friday waiting to see if we would get our court date call. Good Luck!!

It is too bad we don't live closer, isn't it? We would love to be friends. Our children will be "Russian cousins" so maybe we all can meet someday :)

I love your "there's no rush in Russia." Unfortunately, when it comes to the gov't there, that is so true!!