We received the actual prints of the pictures that were emailed to us last week. It was like getting NEW pictures! The ones that were emailed were fairly blurry because the scanner used must have been..... Russian.
Anyway, I've done nothing but stare at his pictures for the last 15 hours. (except to sleep) I can't study him enough. His eyes (those beautiful eyes) his fingers, his (really long) hair, his lips, his nose, his chubby legs (yea! He's chubby! Their feeding him!) his shoes, his knees, I love it all.
I have no problem closing my eyes and envisioning every detailed part of him. It's nice to be able to "take him with me" everywhere I go. He is permanately burned into my mind.
We were also elated to receive a 6th picture that wasn't included in last week's email. It's an adorable picture of Zac drawing on a chalkboard. After studying that picture thoroughly, here's what I've discovered:
1. Zac appears to be right handed
2. He was holding the piece of chalk very well. It appears that he's not a novice with writting utencils. Once again, it reaffirms our confidence in the Baby Home that he's in. They are really keeping those kids active and learning. I can't begin to explain how happy this makes us. I'm not sure we'd be able to mentally survive otherwise.
3. There was a really good drawing of a truck and a tree on the chalkboard. I'll have to assume that Zac did NOT draw those particular items, but at first glance it gives the appearance that he DID draw them. Pretty funny. Maybe he's the next Picasso. That would be difficult for Katie and I to foster seeing as how both of us have extreme difficulty drawing even a stick man.
4. At the top of the chalk board was the ENGLISH alphabet. Perhaps it was a gift from an adopting family? Nice to know, he has
a little exposure to English. The reality is that VERY few people in Novokuznetsk spoke English. We need not get our hopes up that he'll understand much English.
5. He really needs a haircut. The word "mullet" seems to be a recurring comment from others.