Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Freedom Firm

Most of you may be catching on that Katie and I have found a new passion for homeless/ orphaned children. In addition to adopting, we can't help but be moved to action to help the millions of children that aren't exactly getting what I would call "a fair deal".

If you are at all interested in knowing how YOU may help the cause, I've got a great idea:


As an organization, Freedom Firm focuses their efforts on removing underage prostitution in India.

Katie and I were made aware of this through some friends of ours. Specifically, our friend's brother is what you could call a Lawyer Missionary.

"Huh? A Layer Missionary? Isn't that an oxymoron? What about all those Lawyer jokes out there?"

Here's the thing, his job is to make sure that brothel owners get charged to the absolute fullest degree upon their arrest. That way, not only are they rescuing young girls from prostitution, but their also busting up the entire "industry" by making the risk of getting caught extremely high. By being an experienced lawyer in the US for many years, he understands how the law and courts work in terms of prosecuting these dirtbags.

"But he's in India!" you may say.

Ah yes, but get this: The Indian courts are set up from the old Brittish law. Believe it or not, they are even required to speak English as their official court language. So being in India works out extremely well!

Check out our friend's site at:

I highly recommend sending them some sort of financial contribution. As a CFP, I can assure you that your return on investment will be high.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just now found your blog and am catching up on past entries. Thank You for putting in a plug for Freedom Firm and Glen's ministry in this battle against child prostitution/slavery.

And thanks for the consistent fervor you put in to keep this blog up to date. We are so excited for and with you all!

God Bless, Dawn