Friday, December 15, 2006

Why Russia?

Well, we've been telling more and more people about our adoption and it seems that the most common question asked is "Why Russia?".

Unfortunately, I'm not sure I have a good answer. The truth is that Katie and I have always talked about adopting from Russia. It may have stemmed from watching a 20/20 many years ago where they showed pictures and stories from Russian orphanages. Once you see the images, it's pretty difficult to get them out of your mind. I realize now that there are many countries that have high needs for adopting. (Africa.... and yes, I'm aware that Africa is not a country) But part of us feels that if we adopt from anywhere but Russia that we'll be abondoning the kids that we've always had on our heart.

So there you go. My answer is "because that's what we've always felt called to do". Sometimes what leads us to do things is nothing more than a feeling. I can't explain it in words. I can't prove it by numbers. It simply feels right to adopt from Russia.

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