Monday, February 12, 2007

Russians Letters

Did you know?

Russian letters are very weird. They sort of look like English, but not really. As it turns out, their alphabet is very similar to the Greek Alphabet. Which makes sense because a lot of the world's languages have Greek origins.

For example:

They have a goofy triangle looking letter that makes a "D" sound. For those of you that know, the Greek letter "Delta" looks like a triangle.

Also, the sign for Pi (Which looks like siamese twin "T"s) makes a P sound. Likewise, the Russian letter that sounds like P looks like Pi.

Ironically, the letter that looks like P makes an R sound. But again, in the Greek alphabet, the letter Rho is actually a P. (Of course, in Russian, they roll their R's.... kinda like Spanish..... but not really)

In conclusion:
A Triangle sounds like D (even though Triangle starts with the letter T)
Two TT's sounds like P
P sounds like R

Make sense? Any questions? Good, you now speak Russian.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are sounding like a Russian language "TTPO" already.

(Key: TT=P, P=R, O=O - What does it spell? Well, maybe it spells PRO.)