Friday, January 4, 2008

Cold Day

One of the many ways I hold little Pasha in my heart is via my cell phone. Not only do I have the current Omaha weather programed into my phone but I also have Novokuznetsk weather. It's fun for me to glance down at my phone and see what his day is like as I go through my own day.

Today, I looked at my phone and I noticed that it is currently -27 F. (Yes, that would be a negative sign in front of the number)

Yesterday's HIGH was -17F. (Yes, that would be the high)

Man, that is seriously COLD. (Even for a tough Nebraska boy like myself... )

(where would I be without parentheses?)


Chris Goeppner said...

Our munchkins are in -34 degree weather right now (I check it on my phone daily too)! I'm praying for you guys, it's been a long hard wait. We can't wait to hear news of a court date from you!

Evan & Sachi said...

First off, congratulations on your beautiful family and your journey of adoption. We're in the process of adopting from Russia also and were happy to discover your blog and thoughtful postings. We are fairly new to blogging and have begun researching other sites to get ideas and experience. We have enjoyed reading your practical posts, like the ones advocating adoption internationally, as well as the time that you have invested to personalize the site to reflect your family values. If you get a chance, here is a link to our blog: We'd appreciate any comments or feedback that you could give. You'll notice that we are struggling to wait patiently for "the call" and are full of anticipation and excitement. -Evan & Sachi

Dan and Alicia Marlowe said...

I live in southcentral Alaska and we haven't even gone that far below zero yet this winter. YUK! I hate that dry bitter cold. We probably won't get away with escaping it all together but I hope those days are few. I pray little Pasha is staying healthy and warm.