Friday, March 21, 2008

Note from Vladimir

So, we received a note from Vladimir today. He is the Russian representative for our agency. Here it is:

Dear Ryan and Katie,
Please don't worry about anything, I keep everything under my control. I don't need any updated papers from you. I got everything. I understand that you are very excited but please try to relax and don't think about anything! Everything is all right!

Best regards,

"Don't think about anything," just cracks me up!

Well, obviously no news of a court date this week. We have really run the gammit on emotions this week. Last night, after a day of "blahs" and tears I was reading a devotional about how Rahab had to wait on the Lord for the Israelites to take Jericho. Then I pick up a new book and start reading it. The first chapter was all about waiting patiently. A quote from the book is, "What may seem to be too late, isn't." A coincidence that I was being reminded over and over again last night, after a day of pleading with God for an answer? I think not! So, once again I am at peace surrendering the timing of this adoption to God. Although I am thankful for Vladimir's letter the reality is that it is not him that is keeping, "everything under control," but it is God.

Hope you all have a great Easter weekend remembering God's perfect love demonstrated in Christ's death for us.

Thanks for sticking with us while we wait. Katie


G and G said...

My dear children...if we could take some of the anxiety away for you, we surely would. But you are so right. Just remember God's plan. And you, just like Zac, are in his arms. Soon!

Jennifer C said...

It is a privilege to stick by you! Looking forward to the call!:)