Friday, January 5, 2007


People continue to ask us where we are at in the process of adopting our 2 kids. (and we love that people are so caring and loving - thank you all)

So, let me tell you where we're at.

We are very close to submitting our I-600A. The I-600A is an Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition. In English it is a "pre-approval" to adopt internationally. Because we have not received a referral and therefore have no idea which children we will be adopting, we have not actually applied to adopt anyone yet. Rather we are getting ourselves pre-approved.

If you want to see what an I-600A looks like, go to:

When filling out this document, we will need to include:
1. Proof of citizenship. (Birth Certificate and/or Passport - We're including both)
2. Proof of marriage (Marriage Certificate - that's easy enough)
3. Home Study Report. (We've received the rough draft from our case worker. Should be a matter of days before this is all cleaned up and ready to go)
4. Fingerprints (we've done this once, I guess we'll do it again)
5. A check for $545.00 (All part of the big price tag - well worth it)
6. Another check for $140 for the fingerprints (I'm in the wrong business - where was my guidance councelor when I needed him?)

Then, we wait some more. When its all been processed (maybe a month or 2?) we will receive a I-171H (I think). This will be the official United States government approval that we are eligible to adopt a child.

From there, we submit a bunch of stuff to our agency who, in turn, translates it to Russian and submits it to the Russian government. More on that later...

NOTE: I've been told that even though we are adopting two (2) children, we only need to submit one (1) I-600A. If anyone knows different, please let us know.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan and's Becca. I just today checked out your blog for the first time...very informational and exciting!!! It is great to learn where you are in this process. I look forward to many more updates!!!

A Room to Grow said...

We just submitted one I-600A (and fees) for two children. We also submitted copies of both our birth certificates and passports, even though I thought the instructions made it sound like the bc would be enough. When we got to immigration services (we are lucky that we can meet with the person who is processing our application in person), she said she needed both. We are also waiting for our completed homestudy to finalize the application, and hopefully get the I-171H in the next once or so!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys! Things just continue to keep moving. I just get more and more excited about the babies. Thanks for keeping your blog up to date! Grammy