Wednesday, January 24, 2007

More Police Problems

Lately, I've been babbling about our police clearance letter that is needed by Russia as part of our dossier. Again, I have no problem with this concept. I think it's a good thing to make sure that criminals can't adopt innocent children.

But here's the problem: The Police department must not care too much about helping me get this report. I mean, really. Do they think it's more important to spend time on little things like murders, robberies, arsons, kidnappings, and drugs? Come on people! Where are your priorities?

I already mentioned that we sent in a request for a letter stating that we don't have a criminal record on the 3rd of January. Then 2 weeks later, we got the request returned to us because they needed $30 instead of $15. (We complied and sent it back the next day) THEN, yesterday we got another letter saying "Sorry, you were told wrong, we need $64 AND we need fingerprints to do a more extensive background check". The irony here is that we've already done fingerprints twice. (Once for the homestudy and once for our I-600A) So now what should have taken a few days is turning into over a month. OVER A MONTH?!?! (Once again, we're not really all that worried, because we're waiting on a few other things right now too. It's just fun to whine.)

But whatever. It's all part of the journey right? It's kinda like a right of passage. If we don't have a few stupid things along the way, then I won't have anything to blog about.

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