Monday, April 2, 2007

2 things to cover today

1. We received our temporary permit from the city of Omaha today that allows us to have a (loud) outdoor concert. Yea! That means we have 5 bands and permit. That's all we need, right? Everything else is just details.

2. In 10 days, the last 3 accredited agencies will no longer be accredited by Russia. I have to admit that when we started this process last October, I knew this was a risk - but I didn't think it would actually happen. I'm going to candid here: I'm nervous. I'm nervous that Russia may not reaccredidate any angencies. I'm nervous that Russia doesn't want to allow Americans to adopt "their children". I'm nervous.

But I also have a strong faith that things will work out for the best. I have no idea how these events will unfold over the next few weeks. Maybe Russia will reaccredidate the agencies. Maybe they won't. Maybe we'll have to look at other countries. Who knows. One thing I'm sure of: I love my kids where ever in the world they may be. We'll figure out a way to get them home.


Elle said...

Your fears are not uncommon. Those of us who have been through the accreditation wait know what you are going through. But the likelihood of them stopping adoptions all together is low. It just is going to be a little difficult and not for the weak of spirit. Keep praying and have faith.

Deb said...

I agree with Elle, it will happen. It has to. It's been nearly a year since our agency lost their accreditation and it's not fun sitting here waiting but I have faith that it will happen; just not sure when.
Congratz on getting the permit.