Monday, April 7, 2008

Visa Story

We got our Visas today. This is a relief as a person actually has to send off their passports for a few days when applying for their Visas. It's a little nerve-wracking to part with your passport the week before you leave for Russia.

But nothing happens around here without a good story. It goes something like this:

The scene: Ryan sitting in his office. He is at his desk when he suddenly picks up his phone. He dials the number to the Russian National Group and plans to find out if they have yet received his Visa application.

(Fade in)

Receptionist (with a thick Russian accent) : Hello? Russian National Group.

Ryan: Hi. I'm traveling to Russia and I sent an application for a Visa last week and I just wanted to call to confirm that you had received the application.

Receptionist: No.

Ryan: (bilwildered) Uh..... (awkward pause) Aren't you going to ask me what my name is?

Receptionist: What is your name?

Ryan: Ryan Horner

Receptionist: We do not have it.

Ryan: OK. (another awkward pause) That's a problem, because I have a Fed Ex confirmation saying that a Lena signed for it on April 3rd.

Receptionist: I will call you tomorrow.

Ryan: No. We have a problem here. You have my passports and I'm leaving next week for Russia. Do you or don't you have my passports and visa application?

Receptionist: One moment please.

(1 minute pause. Ryan looks back at his computer screen and proceeds to read a few emails while waiting for the receptionist. Finally, the receptionist picks the phone back up.)

Receptionist: Yes. We have it here.

Ryan: (very much relieved) OK. Good.

Receptionist: We will process it tomorrow.

Ryan: (quickly resuming his previous emotion of frustration) But, I paid EXTRA money to have the visa processed the NEXT business day. We've already established that you received our application on April 3rd. You need to process this today.

Receptionist: (With little emotion) Fine. We will do it today. I will call you at 4:00.

Ryan: (Wondering what 4:00 has to do with anything) Fine. Thank you very much.

Receptionist: You're welcome. Good bye.

Ryan: Good-Bye.

(Both parties politely hang up the phone. Ryan continues to work for appoximately 30 minutes when a co-worker unexpectantly enters the scene with a Fed Ex package. Ryan opens it and is completely surprised as well as confused to find his passports and Visas inside. Apparently, the visas were indeed processed as they were supposed to have been.)

Ryan: What the.....? (long pause) Unbelievable.

(Fade out)


Anonymous said...

Ryan, you write so well - could this be another career for you? And, what a believable story (yes, believable)! After all the other similar stories about your adoption journey, this is just one more to add to the memory book. Start packing - in 10 days you will be flying to Russia - with your passports and visas in hand. N

Russian Adoption Chronicles said...

We had a similar experience and had our coordinator at our agency call Elena.

Things are coming together nicely!

A Room to Grow said...

sounds about right. lol.

Tiger & Kar said...

Ha! This was so comical and yet so BELIEVABLE considering everything you guys have been through.

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

Oh my gosh! Sounds like me trying to talk with the Aeroflot reps on the phone before our first trip! I'm glad to hear the visas did arrive despite the craziness on the phone :)

Jennifer C said...


Anonymous said...

That sounds like the Twilight Zone! EEK! Glad to hear they arrived OK.

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

That is hilarious! I'm glad they arrived safely. cm

willjenni said...

Ryan, I'm sorry to have a laugh at your expense of stress, but that is a very funny story! You have me laughing! The most important part is that you have them in hand.... :-)

Love to all, Jenni

Happymom4 aka Hope Anne said...

TOOO TOOOO TOOOO funny!!! (And good preparation for any additional craziness you may experience of a similar sort while in Russia!)

Congrats on the safe arrival of passports and visa to your own hand--I well remember the feeling of getting ours back!